Friday, August 15, 2008

Pictures from the reunion

Here you go folks. The good, the bad, the baaaad, some ugly, some ooogly....

Is this what Justin Timberlake meant by "sexy back"???

And my subjects dwell in the desert city of Las Vegas

Janet, why do I have to drive home?

Bill, here's some money. Get me some more tequila.

Go back to High School? Not a chance!
Who is this guy?

Eric & Mary "chillin"

Awe. Smoochie Smoochie

Yeah, I'm sure I'll be driving home tonight too!

And this is the new trend in evening wear...

Go ahead, drink the beer, no one will ever know..

Chatty 40 somethings at the bar..

Can we go yet?

Together again!

An interesting picture?

hercules! hercules!

Then I said "woa, that's not how I roll"

By 2am I'd forgotten how to talk

And my other subjects I keep here at the bowling castle.

Mmmm, beer good.

Hey chicka's! Looking good!

Andy whistling at the bar.

Wait, I want to change my information!

I swear I will not drink beer tomorrow. Cross my heart!

Hot class of 83!

My money maker tattoo. Her name is "re". Really, it's a long story..

My posse.

Margo, why are we her posse?

Party room

On way to the reunion, still sober.

On way to the reunion, designated driver.
On way to the reunion, not sober.

On way to the reunion, who are these people?

We are all so cute, we deserve two pictures!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hey Shari,

I'm able to attend along with my date, Bill Jennings. If we can still get added. Peggy had to bail for a Harings side wedding, so I had to get a replacement and Bill was all I could find on such short notice.

To Gus,

Of course the Chetek Lanes is a great place for kids! Just have them pull up a bar stool, a Bud, and a Winston and they'll be good to go.

To everyone,

To all of you that I pissed off back in the day, which is likely 82 people or so, I apologize. To Bart, nope, just can't quite get myself to you...I still think you're the goods though.

See ya's in a few.