Friday, June 13, 2008

This image is acutally compliments of Janet. Janet had sent me this in an e-mail and I was totally shocked. I was, however, glad that I was not in the picture. Sure enough, one surfaces with my mug in it. Darn. Anyway, just another shot of the group. I think Randy had a beer in his hand. And I think Nancy has a cocktail....hummmm.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Good times!

Graduation night at "The Lanes." Monique, I think your picture is a little clearer.

River float anyone?

Is anyone interested in doing a river float on Saturday, August 9th? The Chetek River Campground offers a 2 1/2 hour float on the Red Cedar. Before I do too much research, I thought I'd see if people were interested. Chime in with your thoughts...

Greetings from the planning committee!

Thank you for all the great comments! We're glad to hear that people are excited about the reunion and having fun with the blog. It has been fun hearing people's updates. We encourage all of you to share comments or post your own entry.

How do I post a new entry, you ask?
  • From the main blog page, sign in
  • Select New Post from the Dashboard or main blog page
  • Create your entry
  • Use the Toolbar to get "fancy"
  • To upload photos, use the icon next to Spellcheck (Stay tuned for some treasures I dug out of the attic.)
Planning this event has truly been a joint effort. A huge thank you to Shari, Ellen and Lisa for sharing the work, bringing exciting ideas to the table and making our get togethers an endorphin rush. Laughter is good for the soul. Thank you, also, to Nancy, Monique and Patty for helping us "round up" contact information for everyone. If anyone is available to help the day of the reunion, let us know, as we're sure there will be many last minute details.


Monday, June 2, 2008

Get-together, with kids

This is a new thread for those who would like to get together at a park or other kid-friendly venue. I am open for suggestions as to what we and our kids can gather to do. When? Where? With what? Post your suggestions please.

1st grade names

1st row: Todd G, Janet M, Sarah P, Tina K, Sharie H
2nd row: Bobbette K, Wendy S, Becky C, Kim O, Ellen N
3rd row: Phil G, Maynard?, Bart O, Peter?, Ricky A.
4th row: Tim D, Aaron B, Lane P, Ricky H, Tim V