Monday, June 2, 2008

Get-together, with kids

This is a new thread for those who would like to get together at a park or other kid-friendly venue. I am open for suggestions as to what we and our kids can gather to do. When? Where? With what? Post your suggestions please.


kmm said...

Currently my plan is to arrive at my folks late Friday night and be there through Sunday (kind of late if necessary as it is a 4 hour drive and I have to be up early Monday). I will be traveling with my youngest only. Everyone else is holding down the fort so I can be gone. Lucky me! So anything which fits into this time frame is great. My folks will take care of my son should he not fit into all of the plans as well. So what are our options?


etaoin shrdlu said...

My schedule is very flexible and so is Teddy. Am open to any suggestions—and I know that at least half a dozen of us have littler kids.