Sunday, July 20, 2008

Who's coming so far????

Shari and other organizers of this momentous event,

Who has committed already? I think many of us would like to know who is planning on attending (if it is not too much to ask) and I have not sent mine in yet (sorry). Also, who responded with a definite can't make it. I am the kind of person who wanted to know the gender of each of my kids and so you can see why I would like to know ahead of time who might or might not be there. Please, if you can. I am sure others are as interested as I am:)

I have been off of the internet since the first week of June but now I am back on. It was fun catching up. I wish more of us old timers were taking the plunge and responding to the blogging thing.

I was in Chetek for the 4th and ran into Barb (G.). I also saw Beth's husband and sister but not Beth:( --at Art in the Park.

Does anyone know where Nancy Hinkle ended up? She left school at 16 and got married. She would be another one of the crowd who was with us for most of our school years but not there at the end. Just wondering about her.

To Carol,

The irony of life is such that now I am allergic to all makeup except mascara. With each pregnancy, my skin became more sensitive, and I gave up makeup by the 3rd child. It is at first humbling (think you couldn't possibly leave the house without it) and ... later comes a feeling of freedom when you realize you don't really need it, and the world won't stop if you don't have your face on. In fact, my boys are rather critical of females who are obviously made up. They just don't get the whole makeup thing!

I've probably blabbed enough. Last thought... still looking for something to do with anyone who is interested during the day of the 9th or 10th.



etaoin shrdlu said...


I found myself in a swimming pool the other week with a fellow classmate and her offspring, and I know for a fact that there are fellow classmates lurking here. Speak up, youse! If you are shy, use a silly alias, as I do (old linotype operators will "get" my alias, by the way).

Hubby and sis both told me they saw you and Pam at the park with children in tow. Sorry Teddy and I weren't there as well.

I am unsure as to whether I will attend the main gathering. It depends on family plans as well as how smoky the bowling alley might be; despite 13 pack-years behind me, I don't go where there is smoke anymore. But I am still game for a picnic.

How ironic that you've become allergic to makeup, Kyle, but by all accounts, you look fab, even without your face. I thought it was liberating to just quit wearing it, but lately have come to love lipstick.

Lisa said...

Hi Kyle and Beth,
Just wanted to let you know that the gathering will take place in the back room (the old racquetball courts) and we will place signs indicating no smoking allowed. (Smoking allowed in the main bar)So try it out and see if you can tolerate it. We can keep in touch about getting together on the 9th or 10th, let me know what you come up with. A group of us have gotten together to get this thing organized and have had a lot of fun with just a few of us reliving the past, so just imagine how fun it will be with the majority of us going. So get you rsvps in and see you soon! Lisa (Law)

lakehouse said...

HI. Hugh and I are planning to attend. Talked to Julie and she mentioned that some folks may meet at a park with kids during the afternoon? See ya all Saturday,
Wendy ( Skoug) Raddenbach

etaoin shrdlu said...

Thanks for the information. I appreciate it, although health reasons keep me away from even remotely smoky places. I have to send my regrets because of that and for family reasons.

Best regards to everyone. If anyone should want to get in touch, he or she can find me at lizbethager at yahoo dot com.


lakehouse said...

HI! Just a post reunion was a joy to se you all! Thanks to all the organizers who put in so much time and hard work!!!!!!

Thanks to all who came to the reunion and hope to see you all soon. Feel free to stop and see the Raddenbachs if you are passing through Bloomer!
