Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hi! Thought I would send out a picture of the family! Lauren is my oldest, she is 16 and will be a junior next year. Kelsey is 13 and will be a 8th grader and Jack is 6 and will be a 1st grader. Very busy and extremely blessed! I am having fun reading the posts. Hope to see some of your pictures!! Have a great Saturday! Lisa


Monique said...

Hey Lisa. You must be a master on the computer. Saw the girls last weekend. All I can say is WOW. They are so grown up, and so beautiful. And Jack, what can I say, he seems like a card. It's hard to believe that our kids will be in high school next year. Well, hope to see you soon and to catch up. Monique

Lisa said...

Hi Monique, I am looking forward to the reunion too. It's going to be great seeing everyone.
(If you want to send a picture, you just have to go to new post and add attachment)
It would be great to get together sometime with the kids, I would love to see your boys! Maybe dinner sometime. Talk to you soon, Lisa