Hello Everyone!
Here is a picture from 1st grade. My 15 year old daughter Megan brought this home from school one day. It was given to her by her gym teacher (aka Bart Olson). Bart is in the second row from the top, third guy in, with his striped shirt. I am in the fourth row from the top, far right, in my striped shirt. We were a great looking bunch!
Is Bart teaching at Chetek High? Or is your school in the area? I remember once in life science once, Bart asked if my dad was serious (seriously annoyed). Apparently Bart was slightly over the line. I guess a child would know a parent's expression and intention better than anyone. I remember telling Bart "YES!" I wonder if he ever feels he is on the other side of the line now that he is a teacher:)?
Kyle (kmm)
Hi Kyle,
That you would have to ask Bart about. I just know he is an awesome teacher, the kids at school think he is great and my daughter thinks he is "the Best" That would be Chippewa Falls.
I loved your dad as a teacher! Especially Biology. Reading the other blogs...Wow, four boys!
My oldest is almost as big as my dad. He is taller than my husband. Sometimes I, too, think 4 boys, WOW!
I'll pass on your compliments to my dad. He's been retired for 5 years. Mom has been for 2. She was in the Barron Middle School (English 6) for most of most of her career. I wonder who I took after?????
I wonder? Good for you.
You know I have this great? memory of staying at your house one time. Being the farm girl that I was, we always cooked our steaks until they were done....but not at your house...when your dad plopped this big piece of meat in front of me, that I felt was still very much alive....rare.... I remember wondering How in the world am I going to eat this! I also thought it was neat that you had a big 2 story house.
Is that sarah pierpont?
I love those old photos. This one reminds me that I was a newcomer, having transferred in second grade from Milwaukee. Many of tose faces look familiar, but I can't assign names to all of them. Help me out, here:
Front row, L to R: Todd Greene (?), Janet Muermann, Sarah Pierpont, Tina Krukowski, Shari Hanson
Second row: Bobbette Koenig, Wendy Skoug, Becky Cole, Kim Orton (?), Ellen Newman
Third row: Phil Gillette, (?), Bart Olson, (?), Ricky Ahles
Fourth row: David Thompson (?), Aaron Bailkey, Lane Paulson, (?) and (?)
Many of those (?) people look awfully familiar. Who is the teacher? Irene Trowbridge?
How in the world does this blog stuff work. All i can do is post comments. This site is really neat. Thanks to whoever did this.
Gilligan isnt nearly as smart as I pretended to be. I flunked typing too Janet. My email is on a comment to Janet if anyones interested.
How old do you think you were when you came to my house? Was it a birthday party?
Even with all the warnings, my dad still likes his beef pink/red in the middle.
I loved growing up in that house. My brother started calling it the "white castle" a few years ago, and in our family, it stuck. My mom and I worked like slaves to restore the beautiful wood doors, frames, molding and stair case. The house was built by an early Chetek resident (circa 1905) who owned a lumber business, so the wood in the house was just amazing. I hope the new owners never paint it! It would be shame to cover it ever again. That is what I miss the most, but it was time for the folks to move on.
Your family had such a beautiful house, and it was such a nice place to visit. Our house was built in 1874, but my father remodeled it and it lost all its personality!
Hi Kyle
I am thinking NOT grade school and NOT high school, so that would leave the middle school years. No birthday party. It was just me for a sleep over.
There is a little icon that says post pictures.
Hi Ellen:
Looking forward to seeing you!
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